Earthrise Dev Journal Reveals The West Horizon

by on Oct 19, 2010

<p>Lore is one of the great world forming aspects of any good MMOG and <em><a href="">Earthrise</a></em> is crafting a rich world of lore as it continues t

Lore is one of the great world forming aspects of any good MMOG and Earthrise is crafting a rich world of lore as it continues to evolve. In a recent developer journal given to, the team details the harsh West Horizon, an area transformed by pioneers from a toxic environment into a more livable terrain. But the effort was hindered by unexpected strange occurrences and mutations.

Back when the Pioneers were making their first uncertain steps onto Enterra, they found the West Horizon - a savage coastline located in the inhospitable territory yet to be named the Valley of Sal Vitas. The area was heavily polluted by chemicals brought in by ocean currents, and was inhabited by vicious, amphibious mutants accustomed to living in the deadly environment.

After much research, scientists discovered some of those affected were natural Psionics and constructed a secret facility known as Haven to house these subjects, leading to the formation of their own unique culture known as the Seeyen. This is only the first and you can learn more about the others in the full developer journal.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016