Editorial - WotLK Vehicle Combat, First Impressions

by on Jul 20, 2008

<p>Since more details were released at the Worldwide Invitational (WWI) regarding the Wrath of the Lich King (WotlK), discussion forums have been hopping.

Since more details were released at the Worldwide Invitational (WWI) regarding the Wrath of the Lich King (WotlK), discussion forums have been hopping. One of the may topics being discussed is the addition of siege vehicles to the game and if players think they will be fun to use or not.

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The Catapult, just one of the new vehicles you will have access to

In this editorial I want to look at some of the basic ways vehicles will change the game, and whether I think they will be fun or not.

Before we begin though, you may want to get up to speed on the vehicles being released and a little bit about them by reading our WWI '08 - WoW PvP Panel - Wintergrasp and watch the video from the WWI'08 with information about vehicles here.


As was discussed at the WWI, there will be several vehicles available for players to use. Ranging from a small personal armor suit with missiles, a catapult, a heavy siege engine with battering ram and cannon, and even fighters and bombers winging their way across the skies.

From the discussions and information released so far we can tell a few things about vehicles. It sounds as if the driver and enclosed riders of a vehicle will be protected from all damage until the vehicle is destroyed. This means that one possible tactic will be simply using vehicles as protected transport to get through the enemy lines and attacking them from behind. This means also that vehicles will have their own health points that will need to be burned through to destroy them. Due to the nature of a vehicle being large and fortified, expect a substantial health pool on them.

To counter this large health pool, and to be able to destroy buildings (which will likely have even larger heath pools), expect vehicle weapons to do substantial amounts of damage. It is unknown yet if they will damage players and buildings/vehicles differently, or if an unlucky hit from a catapult or siege engine will drop even the mightiest warrior.

The Catapult has been called the most maneuverable of the ground based siege vehicles, which implies that the demolisher and siege engine will be slow and ponderous, which could limit their fun. On the air side of combat, fighters and bombers will be flying through the air at high speeds shooting everything they can see, while trying to avoid the AA fire from the goblin shredders on the ground.

Why Add Siege Vehicles at All?

There have been some comments that this is a character based game and that adding vehicles could wreck it. I don't really see that as I have played many games that are character based (both video games and miniature war games) that use vehicles as well, and they generally are a fun addition, but not the main focus of the game.

I think that adding them was only a natural progression, since many vehicles were used in the Warcraft series and in fantasy/historical combat in general. Having them in the game provides yet another element for players to practice and perfect.

What Will They Be Used For?

The main thing that siege vehicles will be used for is the PvP zone of Wintergrasp. This zone is going to be all about PvP and the use of siege vehicles to destroy key elements to gain an advantage over the enemy. This is a great reason to add them to the game and if done correctly it can add immensely to the feel of the game. Since so much work had to be done to create them, they started getting added to other things, such as quests and eventually a whole new battle zone. All of these are great additions to the game.

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The New Battleground will allow the use of siege engines to break down prepared defenses

However, once Blizzard starting making and playing with the vehicles they apparently had so much fun with them that they started adding them into other elements of the game. They decided that the new battleground would use them, as would several quests, to add fun little differences in instead of the typical kill 10 x, or collect 10 y.

What will Change?

Let's start by saying, Lots! With vehicles in the game, even in limited areas, combat will change significantly. Players will now need to worry more about grouping up at objectives, as logically vehicle weapons will use AOE attacks to simulate the large area a large caliber weapon effects.

They will also change tactics in regards to assaulting positions. You will now have several options available. You could sent in the vehicles as diversions, or as your real attack. You could bring in reinforcements in the vehicles or behind them sneaking up.

On defense, things will change drastically as well. Now you will have very hard targets that either need to be dealt with or ignored as your tactics for that situation dictate. It will be very hard to decide though when you are being shelled by catapults that you need to shut down, but have several melee or caster classes attacking you as well.

Messiah's Take on Vehicles in WoW

I really like the idea of adding vehicles to WoW as long as they are limited in use and function. It would be horrible if someone could go into Wintergrasp, grab a vehicle and then drive it out of the zone to other areas and use it to kill MOBs they need for quests safely. Luckily, I can't see Blizzard allowing this.

What I do see happening in the game though is epic clashes as vehicles roll up near objectives and start opening up on them with firepower or ramming. I can see fighters and bombers swooping overhead, while players madly try to defend. I can see castle walls being breached from catapult shots raining down on them. All these elements add to the world and it's realness. In fantasy and historical settings there were always siege vehicles (ok flying machines may be pushing it, but there would have been dragons) involved in combat. Adding them to the game will provide that added boost of realism to combat.

How fun vehicles are in WoW ultimately will come down to how they play. If they cause massive damage and inflict many deaths players will flock to them. If they move so slow that they are frustrating, players will avoid them. These are just two extremes, but illustrate the point, it's all about how they play. At this point, not enough is know to make definitive statements. However, given how other companies have made vehicles work (for example the warthog in Halo) and Blizzards track record, hopes are high.

Overall, I am completely looking forward to vehicles in WoW. I can not wait to see the first demolisher "drive by" in Wintergrasp with three hunters, locks or pom pyro mages mounted on it destroying anything that comes near. I can also not wait to see the walls falling as the offense advances up the beech in the new battleground. I think that adding siege vehicles to the game may actually feel more epic and heroic in game that the supposed hero class of the Death Knight.

I do see one issue with them though, especially in a battleground. The Alliance has enough players that can't seem to grasp how to play and win with their own class, never mind complicating it with additional things to do! :-) Oh well, just another battleground to lose in over and over. Maybe someday they will learn.

The Messiah has had his say, what’s yours?  Will Siege vehicles be fun and exciting to play? Will they slow the game down too much? Are there some obvious problems?

Email me at: Byron Mudry - (Messiah@TenTonHammer.com) or post in our forums.

Disclaimer: The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints of the Ten Ton Hammer network or staff.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016