End of Nations Preview Offers Look at Archetypes and End of the Line Map

by on May 26, 2011

RTS meets MMO in Petroglyph's End of Nations. But how has the game changed since our last update from PAX Prime 2010?

It's been a while since our last bit of news End of Nations, but G4TV.com recently got the chance to check out the game's latest changes and get some hands on time with a four-player co-op map called End of the Line. The preview offers some insight into the MMO elements of the game in which players can choose a faction and archetype for their commander by spending talent points, allowing them to become a tank, healer or damage dealer.

How you spend your Commander's talent points will also shape your units into one of the three MMO archetypes: tank, healer, or damage dealer. My Commander was more of a healer archetype that had a lot of defensive units, so I could make repair bots that would scurry around my tanks and fix them. In general, Commanders get tech abilities that allow them to call down certain units and initiate hard-hitting abilities like a nuke, whereas units get individual abilities that do things like buff nearby ally damage or shell opponents for bonus damage for a certain period of time.

Source: G4TV.com End of Nations Preview

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016