EVE Dev Blog Explains Recent Vanishing Item Issues and Downtime

by on May 14, 2010

<p> <em><a href="http://www.tentonhammer.com/taxonomy/term/43">EVE Online</a></em> experienced its longest extended downtime in over two years with the <a href="http://www.tentonhammer.com/node/8

EVE Online experienced its longest extended downtime in over two years with the recent vanishing items issue that occurred after last Friday's downtime. A lot of players have been wondering just what happened to cause an issue on such a large scale and this week CCP Red Button released a new developer blog to explain what happened. In short, a new piece of code written to help recycle item IDs performed well on the Singularity test server, but when it was released onto Tranquility it ran amok, causing issues with the item IDs and as some players soon found out with some items themselves. CCP faced with the choice of rolling back the servers or keeping them down to fix the problem and then deal with petitions chose the latter.

We opted to repair the damage, bring Tranquility back up and resolve incoming petitions as quickly as possible for those things that could not be undone.  Over the past few days we have been working tirelessly on answering petitions and will continue to do so until we have solved every last one of these cases. To help speed up response times on petitions our software engineers worked all of Saturday to create specialized tools for customer service to review and deal with petitions related to this unusual error and made this suite of tools available to customer support. If those of you that read this are still having problems then I would like to ask you to please submit a petition through the EVE client or through the web interface.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016