Exclusive Dungeons and Dragons Online Module 7 Walkthrough

by on May 28, 2008

<span style="font-weight: bold;">Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting</span><br>

Everybody was Kung Fu

Darkgolem spent some time with the developers of Dungeons and Dragons
Online, and brought you a review of his walkthrough of Module 7: Way of
The Monk. Make sure to read the newest review of Dungeons and Dragons
Online's newest update, full of devils, raids and pirates!

style="font-style: italic;">Naturally, as soon as I had
access to a monk character, while waiting to start the walkthrough, I
went and practiced my Kung Fu. The animation for the monk in combat is
amazing, even for the normally smooth animation of DDO.

Dungeons and Dragons Online Module 7 Walkthrough

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016