F: Turbine Announces "Got Tips?" Winners

by on Sep 01, 2006

<h1 style="color: rgb(153, 0, 0);">Turbine Announces "Got Tips?" Winners<br> </h1> A little over a month ago we asked you to give us your <a href="http://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php?t=53687" target="_blank">best ideas for new tips</a> <tabl

Turbine Announces "Got Tips?" Winners

A little over a month ago we asked you to give us your href="http://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php?t=53687" target="_blank">best
ideas for new tips

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to add into the game. Well the winners have been chosen and they will
start to appear on a screen near you when Module 3 launches.

Congratulations to the winners: apollojuly,
Berjik, Chardros, Denomicon, DeusMortis, DrAwkward, Drogon,
DuckOfDeath, Elurian, Fu-Inator, Furee, oronisi, patnodewf, Squeg,
Thanatos, Thistle, tihocan, toddfox2, tr0tsky, Ustice, Volund, whysper,
winsom, and Worg2k6.

I will be adding your new forum title shortly (don't worry - if you're
a founder you'll still have that title too).

Please note: some of the tips have been edited for accuracy and/or


Any item can be placed in your hotbar, not just weapons. Area of effect spells, such as burning hands, will not harm your
party members. Using a shrine will remove most favorable spells currently on
your character.


magic items are attuned to a specific race. Be sure to check for race
restrictions on weapons or armor before you purchase them.


For when dropped items from breakables are hard to find, you can
Backspace to select items near you and U to pick them up and use them.


Using a resurrection shrine will set your current spell points to
zero, a cleric's raise dead spell will not.


Using a rest shrine will remove 1 negative level if you have
suffered level drain. The
brothers and sisters of the Silver Flame located in taverns can cast a
variety of status ailment removing spells, such as remove curse, for a
fee. You can now play as a Drow! Once your adventures have
earned you 400 total favor, speak to Nyx, the Drow Elder, outside
Harbormaster Zim's house. Running low on inventory space? The Coin Lords can reward those
who have proven loyal with expanded inventory. Need additional bank space? Those commended by House Kundarak can
gain access to additional storage. Need
a buff before an adventure? Building favor with Houses Phiarlan and
Jorasco will grant you access to extended beneficial spells, which will
not be removed when you enter a dungeon. Going through arrows
or bolts too fast? Those favored by House Deneith can purchase "Sturdy"
bolts and arrows, which are not expended as quickly.


Monsters tend to attack whoever has dealt the most damage to them. Ranged
weapons (crossbows and bows) and arrows with the same magic
enhancements do not stack. If you have a +1 bow and +1 arrows, you only
get a +1 enhancement total. Different magic enhancements will stack.


careful where you roam when fighting monsters! If there is a wall,
pillar, or other obstruction between you and your cleric he or she
can't heal you, even if you are close to him/her.


such as arrows, healing kits and potions are auto used according to
their location in your inventory starting from the upper left space to
the bottom right space in each bag tab and starting from the left bag
tab to the right. The "Lock" icon in the examine window allows you to keep an
examine window open and compare multiple items.


intimidate checks result in an orange icon above the enemy's head. This
will focus their assaults on the character they perceive as a threat
for 6 seconds. If you have questions about your character class, stop by one of
the class sections at the DDO forums at href="http://www.ddo.com/forums/" target="_blank">http://www.ddo.com/forums/
or ask another player.


Taking screen shots writes the picture file to a folder named
"Dungeons and Dragons Online", located in "My Documents".


Glancing blows will awaken hypnotized or sleeping monsters. Be
careful where you swing that greataxe!


Anyone can block even if you don't have a shield equipped. Your
AC and DR will still increase due to your defensive efforts!


You can disable guild names shown above players' heads, by going
into the Options Panel (ctrl+O) and changing the UI Settings.


If you're having trouble swimming underwater, turn mouse look on.
It greatly improves your control. Wands
for any spell on the spell list for any of your character's classes can
be used as long as your total character level is as least as high as
the caster level on the wand. This applies even if your class level is
below what is required to cast the spell yourself. For example, rangers
and paladins can use cure light wounds wands at level 1. Check your encumbrance before swimming. An encumbrance level of
medium greatly decreases your ability to swim. Tumble,
Open Lock, Disable Device, Use Magical Devices, and Perform may only be
used if you have put points into training them, even if you have
ability modifiers and equipment that would normally boost your skill
above zero.


If another player is annoying
you with unwanted /tell messages, you can type "/ignore add " and the
character's first name in order to block further text.


spell scrolls can be manually stacked in your inventory, even though
they do not automatically stack. Just drag a scroll on top of an
identical scroll (or existing stack of identical scrolls) to stack them.


If the game cannot connect after an update, you may need to reset
your firewall settings for DDO files.


A held monster will be automatically critically hit, regardless
of your proficiency with a weapon.


Any player can use a shield with 0 armor check penalty without
proficiency, and suffer no attack penalty.


Spell only affects spells that have a duration greater than instant and
less than permanent. You can cast instant and permanent spells without
an increased Spell Point cost. It gets tiring holding your
weapons and shields after finishing a quest. You can put them away with
/sheath to free up your hands, while still being ready for battle.


The Paladin Lay On Hands ability has no penalty when used to
repair Warforged.


turn on voice chat, go to Options -> Audio -> Enable Voice Chat.
You can do this even if you do not have a microphone so you can hear
what others are saying.


The Lesser Restoration spell removes ability damage and similar
spells, such as Ray of Enfeeblement and Touch of Idiocy If a monster attacks you from behind it will get a +2 bonus to
hit. Ray
spell attacks can be dodged if you move your character out of the way
quick enough. Watch for enemy spell casting animations for a warning of
when to dodge. The Trip skill is more successful the stronger your character is.


There is no limit to the number of coins you can carry. Coins
have no weight.


Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016