FAQ Page

by on Mar 25, 2007

<h1 align="center">Ten Ton Hammer's Warhammer Online FAQ</h1> <h2 align="center">The place to go when you want to know</h2> <table border="0" align="right" cellpadding="5"> <tr>

Ten Ton Hammer's Warhammer Online FAQ

The place to go when you want to know

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Welcome to the TenTonHammer WAR FAQ. Here we'll attempt to answer all your important questions about Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning such as"If a tree fell in the Marshes of Madness, would it make a sound?" or the ever popular "Will Orcs ever find the Rainbow Connection?". If you don't see the question that's burning a hole in your brain listed, feel free to visit our WAR forums to see if it has been answered by all the Warhammer Online fans there or you can email me at Brokain@Tentonhammer.com and I'll see what I can dig up for you. .

General Questions


Q: What is Warhammer Online?

A: Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning (WAR) is an MMORPG currently in development by EA Mythic. Based in the famous Warhammer universe created by Games Workshop, Warhammer Online can best be described in Mythic's own words

War is everywhere in Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning (WAR), the new MMORPG from the creators of Dark Age of Camelot®. Based on Games Workshop's popular Warhammer® fantasy war game, WAR features next generation Realm vs. Realm™ (RvR) game play that will immerse players in a world of perpetual conflict.


Q: Since this is based on the tabletop battle miniatures game, how much control does Games Workshop have over it?

A: Well, in a recent interview with Ten Ton Hammer, Erik Mogensen of Games Workshop states " We’ve been very involved in all aspects of the game’s development, especially with artistic direction. We see, and approve, every piece of concept art, every 3D model, every animation, etc. We’ve been so impressed with EA Mythic’s grasp of the Warhammer World, that we’ve honestly had to request relatively few changes along the way."


Q: What if I don't want to PvP but I still want to play WAR? Am I going to be forced to PvP?

A: No. EA Mythic has officially said that if you choose not to PvP, you will still be able to fully level your character through PvE play


Q: How many factions are there in WAR?

A: Currently there are two factions in WAR; Order & Destruction. Both factions are broken down into three different races. Order is comprised of; the Humans of the Empire, the Dwarfs, and the High Elves. Destruction is made up of Dark Elves, Chaos, and the Greenskins (Orcs & Goblins).


Q: What sort of classes will be available in WAR?

A: Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning will have 4 class types: Tanks, Melee DPS, Ranged DPS, and Healers.


Q: Will you be able to play with other races or will you be stuck in your own battlefields?

A: At a certain point in your advancement, you will be able to cross over to other lands and help your faction. However the only mention that I have seen of this is in the context of helping them defend their cities or helping them sack other cities. So it sounds like something you'll have access to at later levels.


Q: What are battlezones?

A: There are three battlzeones in WAR, each representing conflict between different races. Currently the battlzones consist of the following conflicts: Dwarfs vs. Greenskins, Empire vs. Chaos, and High Elves vs. Dark Elves.


Q: How does crafting work in WAR?

A: Currently there is no concrete information released about the crafting system in WAR. Keep checking this site to find updates!


Q: Why are there no female Orcs?

A: Throughout the Warhammer lore, there has never been Orc Females. How Orc reproduce is somewhat of a mystery, although the popular theory is through spores. In trying to keep with the lore, EA Mythic has opted to not have any females among the Greenskins


Q: Being that this is an RvR style game, how do they plan to control the griefing aspect?

A: By turning you into a chicken if you enter a zone too far outside your level. No, you heard me correctly. A chicken.


Q: What if I'm just entering the zone to finish up some quests?

A:Well, as per the WAR Devs, you're only going to have 2 types of quests in the RvR zones, Scenarios and those that deal with Battelfield Objectives. Once you're out of the level range for the scenarios, you're done. That quest can never be completed. As far as the second type goes, you can still go into the Battlefield Objectives and try to finish the quest, but you will still be a chicken while doing so. Probably want to try and finish those quests while they're still in level range it sounds like.

Q: Customization is pretty important to me. I hate looking like everyone else in game. What sort of options will there be for character customization?

Warhammer Online is going to have armor dyes as a customization option. In an ealier podcast, Jeff Hickman mentioned that these would probably be relegated to colors normally attributed to armor. Also, in recent interviews it has been stated that you'll be able to get trophies to hang from your armor. In a recent entry in Paul Barrnett's blog, he mentions that there will be a sizeable amount of facial customization as well.

Q: Will you be able to communicate between Order and Destruction factions?

Nope. You can talk to the faction you belong to and that's it.

Q: Will I be able to have both Order and Destruction characters on the same server?

No, you'll have to make a choice. One or the other.

Q: Will WAR have a "Death Penalty"?

A: Yes it will! They have already stated that it will not involve experience loss or corpse runs.


Release Questions


Q: When will WAR be released?

A: The estimated time of release according to Mythic is the 1st Quarter of 2008.


Q: When will the Closed Beta start?

A: It's open now! Check out https://betacenter.eamythic.com for more info!


Q: What requirements are there to sign up for the Closed Beta?

A: There are a limited number of Closed Beta spots available and not everyone that applies will be admitted. Closed Beta testers will be selected based on a variety of factors, including computer system specs, game experience, newsletter subscription, and community involvement. The Closed Beta is limited to players 18 years of age or older, and requires the acceptance of the Beta Test Agreement located at the bottom of this form.


Q: What system requirements will WAR have?

A: There are no system requirements posted for WAR at this time.


Q: What Operating Systems will WAR be for?

A: PC has been confirmed and there are heavy rumours about an X-Box 360 port.


Community Questions


Q: Is there an official website & forum for WAR?

A: There is an official website run by EA Mythic located at: http://www.warhammeronline.com as for a forum there are currently no 'official' forums for the game. Typically Mythic has had a strong sense of community support and leaves the forums in the hands of their fan sites and other gaming sites. Be sure to check out our own forum as well as others!


Q: Where can I find more out about WAR?

A: As mentioned above there is an official EA Mythic website that contains much information on the game. If you are interested in a more community based group you can check out our own repository of information (the lefthand bar) or go to our Links section for other great WAR sites.


Tome of Knowledge


Q: What exactly is the Tome of Knowledge?

A: The Tome of Knowledge is a feature of the game that tracks your achievments as you progress through the world of Warhammer Online. It tracks types of kills, RvR kills, opens new quests and gives rewards for finishing them, gives you titles based on certain achievements, etc. It literally is a book of your character's life.


Q: Will I have to do the Tome of Knowledge quests in order to advance?

A: Nope, one of the great things about the Tome of Knowledge quests is that they're totally optional. Don't feel like killing squigs and getting the title? No problem, don't do it. Aren't into exploring the land and finding out about the past? No problem, you can keep on doing what you're doing. Tome Quests won't impact your regular quest lines. However, if you don't do the Tome Quests, then you bypass getting the rewards from those quests.


The Public Quest System


Q: I keep hearing about these Public Quests. What are they?

A: Public Quests are area based quests that you trigger by crossing over into an area where a Public Quest is taking place. It involves a huge amount of players gathering together to complete the task at hand.


Q: Public Quests sound like fun, but they also sound very time consuming?

A: Not at all. One of the best parts of a Public Quest is that you can come in on it at any time and leave at any time. Whatever little bit you were able to contribute to the Quest counts as if you were involved in the Public Quest from the beginning.


Q: So what's the point of working on a Public Quest if I can't finish it and get the reward?

A: You still get rewarded for your contribution to the Public Quest in the form of influence. You can spend this influence at a designated NPC. Higher amounts of influence will get you better items, of course. Also, Public Quests counts towards the necessary point level for taking over that tier zone, so ultimately your contribution helps your army get one step closer to sacking the enemies city.

Q: How many rewards can I get from a Public Quest?

You can get one per zone. Since the Public Quests are broken up into multiple chapters, you won't be finished with the Quest after the first segment. You'll be moved to another area for the second or third part of the quest. As you finish each part of the Public Quest, you'll gain influence in that area and be able to spend your influence with the designated NPC of that area. At the end of the Public Quest, if you've managed to stick with it until the end, you'll get a reward there as well. So if a Public Quest had 4 parts to it, you could end up with 4 rewards.

Q: How many Public Quests are there going to be?

As of right now, EA Mythic has confirmed that there will be at least 300 Public Quests in the game at launch. It's possible there may be more as they are still working on the game and will be working on it until launch.

Q: Have they released any information on what sort of monsters we'll be going up against in some of the Public Quests?

A: There has been one release and it talks about one of the Boss Monster's you'll be up against in the Marshes of Madness, Vampire Lord Neborhest. You can find out more about him here.


RvR Combat

Q: What does RVR mean?

A: RVR, or Realm vs. Realm is the conflict system used by EA Mythic for Warhammer Online and their previous MMORPG Dark Age of Camelot. For WAR this means that players will be immersed in Player vs. Player (PVP) and Player vs. Environment (PVE).

Q: Will there be different types of RvR or will it be simply us vs. them?

there will be 4 different types of RvR. Skirmishes, which will be 1 on 1. Battlefield Oblectives involves a sort of "king of the hill" style combat, where you'll have to defend an objective point or try and take an objective point over. Scenarios are instanced zones that will involve a certain number of both order and destruction players, each having certain objectives within that instance to fufill. Campaigns are the culmination of all the RvR and will involve you sacking the enemy players cities.


Q: What types of abilities will we have access to? Will I be able to adjust these abilities to fit my playing style or will they be already set for me?

A: You will have 3 types of "tactics" available to you. They will be Career Tactics, Renown Tactics, and Tome Tactics. Career Tactics will be your general ability upgrades you get at each level. Renown and Tome Tactics will be chosen by you to fit your character's play style. Renown Tactics will benefit you in RvR combat and Tome Tactics will benefit you in PvE combat.


Q: Will I be able to change my Tactics of will I be stuck with them after I choose them?

A: You can have 4 Career tactics, 2 Renown tactics, and 1 Tome Tactic loaded at any time. These will be interchangeable with other tactics you have chosen throughout your career, but they must be changed before you engage in a battle. You will not to be allowed to to change Tactics in the middle of a fight

Q: What happens if there are more players of one side in a Scenario? Won't that be unfair?

That won't happen. Should there be more players of one side than the other in a Scenario then the side with the defict will be populated with NPC's known as "The Dogs of War". These NPC's will be AI controlled and will even up the sides.

Q: How long will an opposing faction be able to hold my city?

Not indefinitely. After a certain period of time the system will beging to populate the city with more and more powerful NPC's and eventually the opposing army will be driven from your city.


Q: How big will groups be allowed to be?

A: Currently, groups will be allowed to range from 2-6 persons in size and may hit 24 in Battlegroup (a group of groups)


Q: I heard that besides sacking a city, we can also capture the king? What sort of benefits will we get for something like that?

A: Yes, you will be able to kill/capture the king. The act of killing or capturing the king will give you benefits against that realm, so if you capture the Dwarven king, then all of destruction will get both offensive and defensive benefits against the Dwarves.

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016