Former APB Dev Offers Thoughts on Current Realtime Worlds Situation

by on Aug 25, 2010

<p>Realtime Worlds has suffered its fair share of setbacks recently.

Realtime Worlds has suffered its fair share of setbacks recently. With lukewarm reviews of its newly launched MMOG, APB (All Points Bulletin), and the recent financial issues that sent the company into administration and several of its employees packing. At least one of those devs, Luke Halliwell, a six-year veteran of Realtime Worlds, has voiced some of his thoughts on the recent issues surrounding the company on his blog.

I feel particularly for our American colleagues, who packed up their lives, in many cases asking their wives and girlfriends to give up good jobs, and moved half way around the world to work for a company, that to this very second, says on its website, “The company is on very secure footing from significant investment and dealings only with top-tier partners.”  They now get a month to leave the country and no help with the cost of getting them and their stuff home, to no benefits and no health insurance.

After detailing his concern for his fellow co-workers, Luke goes on to explain that had been mounting discontent internally about the competence of the company's top management. Luckily, Luke has managed to land another job, one here in the United State and outside of the gaming industry. His full analysis of what happened to Realtime Worlds will be posted at a later date when he has calmed down, gained perspective, and the future of his remaining friends at the company has been decided.

(Via Massively)

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016