GearScore is better than iLevel - Reason #2

on Jun 30, 2011

<p>AIL is not designed for use in Pugs. Its only purpose is to show you how far off you are from being eligible for specific heroic dungeons. Now that pugging is viable in wow, I'm beginning my crusade against AIL. Read more to find out just how superior

Alright, So the next reason GearScore is superior to AIL is the fact that GearScore actually takes gems & enchantments into account when making its calculations.

Look at the screenshot below. You'll notice that there is a big red "Unenchanted" mark on the unenchanted item, and its missing over 50 points of it's GearScore. However... notice that the Item level of the item stays exactly the same? It doesn't matter if you have 0 gems, and 0 enchants, you'll still have the same AIL.

In addition, PlayerScore will notify you if a player is missing gems & enchants. Just click a player and see the information. So even if you choose to use the inferior, Item Level value, PlayerScore is extremely useful for finding players who aren't giving 100%

List of Reasons GearScore is Superior to AIL.

Click a link for more info GearScore only counts the gear you're actually wearing. GearScore includes gems & enchants in its calculations. GearScore gives large penalties to off spec equipment. AIL gives equal value to PvP Equipment!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016