Geeked - "The Way Out"

by on Feb 18, 2009

<p>When I read about EQ2's massive research project, I was as shocked as <a href="">Ethec was</a> about the girth of the whole thing. Who would willingly, even for money, submit themselves to such a massive...</p>

When I read about EQ2's massive research project, I was as shocked as Ethec was about the girth of the whole thing. Who would willingly, even for money, submit themselves to such a massive exercise in patience and the ability to withstand uselessness?

Still, there must be a reason SOE wants to do this, and while I don't envy the researchers' task, I will eagerly await their findings... like how many times players have cybered since 2004 and how many people have used the word "gay" when to want to express dissatisfaction.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016