Guild Wars 2 - The Spectator Mode We Deserve

by on Jun 19, 2012

GW2Hub's latest community spotlight feature focuses on one of the most requested PvP features for Guild Wars 2: spectator mode.

Spectator mode is a feature a lot of Guild Wars 2 fans have been asking about ever since structured PvP was first unveiled last summer. The latest editorial sent in from one of our community members, Innuendo, takes that one step further. Rather than simply joining the masses in their request for some form of spectator mode to be implemented, he raises the bar by outlining exactly how such a system could work to provide the best user experience possible.

So if you're like me and are eager to see a spectator system for sPvP implemented sooner rather than later, be sure to give it a read by hitting the shiny link below: Presents: The Spectator Mode We Deserve

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016