Guild Wars: Rediscovering Tyria

by on Aug 13, 2009

While the core of the gaming industry may revolve around a more transitory entertainment experience, MMOGs enjoy the rare distinction of being built to provide many years’ worth of...

the core of the gaming industry may revolve around a more
transitory entertainment experience, MMOGs enjoy the rare distinction
of being built to provide many years’ worth of replayability.
Certain titles, such as ArenaNet’s highly successful href=""
target="_blank"> style="font-style: italic;">Guild Wars
franchise, have done an excellent job of not only providing fans a
constant stream of new content, but also finding ways of keeping older
content perfectly viable far into the future.

Reuben “Sardu” Waters recently brought his
Ritualist out of hibernation for style="font-style: italic;">Guild Wars’
Wintersday in July celebration, and has been spamming a long trail of
spirits across Tyria and beyond
ever since:

One thing that
instantly stood out for me is that while each new
campaign has added a significant amount of new content and meaningful
gameplay mechanics, one of the series’ main strengths lies in
the plethora of new ways to approach the available content. For
example, Nicholas the Traveler and his trusty dolyak Professor
Yakkington have become a weekly Easter egg hunt of sorts, as players
scour zones to discover his new location and which collectible items he
wants in exchange for one of his random gifts.

To read Guild Wars:
Rediscovering Tyria, href="" target="_blank">click

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016