Hands-On with Warmonger

by on Jun 27, 2007

Hands-On with Warmonger at the NetDevil Open House

As a development studio, NetDevil has never been intimidated by any challenge and when the opportunity to create a physics-based FPS presented itself, they jumped at the chance. Titled Warmonger - Operation: Downtown Destruction, this FPS features almost completely destructible environments. At the NetDevil Open House, Cody "Micajah" Bye had the opportunity to play through the game, and he has transcribed his gameplay experience into an enjoyable article.

The battlefield combat in Warmonger is absolutely terrifying. My initial rounds were spent in an abandoned subway complex that was a labyrinth of tunnels. I decided to be one of the Attackers, and I went traipsing across the battlefield, my rocket launcher in hand. I felt very safe initially, until the brick wall in front of me blew inwards and an enemy stepped through, chaingun at ready. I had no chance.

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016