Ice Cold Beer...compliments of Sigil Games Online

by on Jun 05, 2006

<b> The Business of Keeping Things Fresh</b><br />

The Business of Keeping Things Fresh

Ok so they aren't actually handing out cold beers...but don't let that dampen your spirits, what they are providing is just as good. Today is Common Content Monday across the network and we are all looking at those monthly fees MMO's charge to play. Are they good or bad? Do they affect how one plays the game? Do they have any benefit other than what some people assume is just to make the game companies rich?

It’s like going to your favorite bar and finding out that after years of enjoying their crisp cold beers, they’ve neglected to replenish the ice in the ice chest and slowly over time that beer becomes warmer and less enjoyable… unless you’re German, I’m told they like warm beer but probably not stale MMO's.

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016