Independent States: The Future of Indie MMOGs

by on Sep 08, 2009

Ask any 10 gamers what constitutes an "indie MMO" and you'll probably get 10 different answers. But one definition that most can agree on is that an indie game lacks the financial support of a...

Ask any 10 gamers what constitutes an "indie MMO" and you'll probably
get 10 different answers. But one definition that most can agree on is
that an indie game lacks the financial support of a well-funded
publisher. But do smaller budgets mean greater freedom?

Ten Ton Hammer's Karen Hertzberg asked Nathan Richardsson, Executive
Producer for CCP, developers of EVE Online, and Todd Harris, Executive
Producer of Global Agenda, to share their thoughts on the bright future
of independent MMOG development.

From the article:

definition a niche market is a
segment that is currently
underserved by the mainstream providers. So, to serve that audience a
developer typically needs to deliver something really different and
innovative vs. just more of the same thing available elsewhere,” says
Hi-Rez Studios’ Todd Harris.

“With a big budget there could be a temptation to cover up stale
gameplay by shoveling out more content or simply pumping up the
marketing hype. However, for an indie developer such as Hi-Rez Studios,
the game must stand on its own merits and we find that liberating.”

Read on!
[img_assist|nid=73791|title=Global Agenda Screenshot|desc=|link=node|align=left|width=100|height=75]

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016