Interview With Vanguard Producer, Thom Terrazas - Part 2: Flying Mounts

by on Jan 09, 2008

<span style="font-weight: bold;">Why Don't You Go Take a Flying...Mount</span><br>

Why Don't You Go Take a

Thom Terrazas, Producer of Vanguard, took some time out of his busy
schedule to answer four sets of questions sent to the Vangaurd team.
Dalmarus will be releasing them throughout the next two weeks, so be
sure to keep your eyes peeled.

"As it is a high level mount most of the content
you’ll need to get
through will be high level as well. If you’re not part of a raiding
guild or have raiding resources though don’t fret, as you won’t be left

With Vanguard Producer, Thom Terrazas - Part 2: Flying Mounts Comments? Post them in our href="">Vanguard

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016