Jumpgate Evolution Hosts Christmas Challenge

by on Dec 21, 2008

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Not to be outdone by the href="http://www.tentonhammer.com/node/51591">ever growing
list of holiday-themed MMOG events (many of which are already
underway on a server near you!),  href="http://www.tentonhammer.com/taxonomy/term/306"> style="font-style: italic;">Jumpgate Evolution
developers NetDevil decided to pose a Christmas Challenge to fans of
the upcoming game.  The contest itself is fairly simple
– come up with a fitting caption for one or more of the
selected screens at the official Jumpgate site, provided it also ties
in with either a  festive winter or New Year's
theme.  The cool part?  The winner gets not only
their very own custom forum title and avatar, but walks away with a
beta key!

The contest is already underway, and will run until 11:59 AM (EST) on
January 6th, 2009.  To read the full list of challenge rules
and see the screenshots in question, head on over to the href="http://www.jumpgateevolution.com/news_article.php?id=8859">official
Jumpgate Evolution site.  I'm thinking of going with
something along the lines of  “Ralsu runs rings
around Rudolph while executing his escape from the encroaching Elite
N.E.R.D.R.A.G.E. Piolots (of
)”  Catchy, eh?

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016