Are you a fan of game lore? EverQuest II is looking to fill that hunger by not only providing rich storylines and environments but allowing everyone to write their own. Currently players can own and place books in their homes which tell the tales of various heroes and villains in Norrath. SOE Developer Rothgar describes how aspiring writers will soon be able to put their own text in and even distribute it among others. Look for the change in the next update but in the mean time check out the preview.

One of the upcoming features for GU52 is a new system that will allow players to write and distribute their own books in the world of Norrath. These books look and act just like the current books in the game. You can hold them in your inventory or place them in your house or guild hall for other players to read.

These user-written books can be obtained from a crafter and will start out blank. Any player can write in a blank book, but as soon as you write the first word you become the author of that book. From that point forward, only the author may edit the contents of the book.

You can find the entire feature on EQ2 Players.

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016
