May Take #2

by on May 09, 2006

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Tuesday’s Takes: It’s All About the Core
By AnomalousSilence

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Let me start off this Tuesday’s Take by saying that I am an extremely opinionated person, and I stand firm for my beliefs and opinions. I am not against the varied opinions of others, as it makes for a diverse population. I am of the firm belief, however, that in this particular matter there is only one right answer, regardless of opinion. While there are various perspectives on the type of gamer that exists as the primary consumer of any new MMORPG, the subject as a whole is correct in only a single, broad sense.

Now that you understand my overall belief, let’s move on to the topic at hand!

Brad McQuaid, also known as “Aradune Mithara”, has stated numerous times that Vanguard: Saga of Heroes is being developed NOT for the hardcore gamer, and NOT for the casual gamer, but rather for a type of gamer who Brad himself termed the “core” gamer.

Will there be content designed for the hardcore? Definitely, including aspects such as grueling raids and multi-group MOB encounters. What about the casual players and soloers? Rest assured, there will be some form of content to accommodate all play styles.

Let’s move on to the “core” gamer, now, which is perhaps the most important term to be associated with Vanguard: Saga of Heroes. This is a term that has been used to define a player who plays 3-4 hours nightly, perhaps up to 6 hours or more on the weekends, with content that is somewhere between the play styles of hardcore and casual.

I, personally, am a casual gamer, though I would adore having the ability to spend more than an average of 2 hours on any given MMORPG per day. Two hours is, sadly, all the time I can afford to take out of my already busy schedule. On weekends I usually play for between 3 and 5 hours, with the norm being about 4 hours.

How will Vanguard accommodate my play style? Perfectly, of course! I am one who vigorously role-plays, explores, quests, and socializes. Even as a hardcore player, I wouldn’t reach maximum level for a very long time (not that it really matters how quickly you level!). With my play style, a little above casual and a bit under the “core” play style, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes will perfectly fill all holes current MMORPGs leave for me.

Assuming that the first expansion pack released raises the level cap, I will be nowhere near maximum level. By the time I reach the new expansion content, more players will be reaching the end game, resulting in less crowded areas and reduced competition for MOBs and harvesting resources. Sure, I’m a social gamer, but I cannot stand overly crowded areas and increased competition, as I have little time to play as it stands.

Vanguard: Saga of Heroes will be my future home, one where I can make new friends and an online family of sorts, one where I can stay with for years and be happy. I had already planned on playing Vanguard: Saga of Heroes for an extended period of time, hopefully upwards of a decade or even longer. With the amazing game play styled for the “core” gamer, though, the game might last me even longer than I had hoped, given my play style and MMORPG preferences.

How will the available type(s) of play suit other MMORPGers, though? I believe all their needs will be neatly filled. To those who are avid EverQuest Classic fans, the game will support plenty of hardcore gamers and raiders. Instances are non existent in Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, and the game will also cater to these types of players and their various gaming styles. The lack of instances will entertain their craving for raids that are beyond the norm of today’s MMORPGs in difficulty, and they will allow for camping, waiting hours for the raid boss to spawn.

To the casual gamers and soloers, many single MOBs and various soloing areas within a larger area will be dedicated to those who prefer to play without a group, with a variety of MOBs scattered throughout. For those with a casual play style, achievements will be attainable and in gaming sessions, one will always feel as if they have accomplished something.

And, finally, for those who are within the range of the playing style Brad has labeled the “core” gamer, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes will, obviously, suit their needs perfectly, as the game is being developed primarily for the player who is neither casual nor hardcore.

With a healthy mix of difficulty, ease, and challenge combined with the new intuitive combat system and the numerous combinations of characters, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes should go far above and beyond the needs of any who seek the perfect MMORPG, and it will become their online home years to come. And that, my friends, is what the folks at Sigil are developing: a lifestyle and a home with plenty of room for all who seek adventure.



Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016