Monthly Editorial Topic Part IV

by on Oct 25, 2005

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Untitled Document

A Matter of Choice

By Lady Sirse

This month we have taken a look at the secondary market from several viewpoints.
It has been an enlightening journey to see how people feel about this hotly
debated subject. Among those who play MMOs, this is possibly the one topic that
can divide the best of friends.

As I was looking over the articles that have been written over the last few
months, and the forum posts that have sparked debate from one side of the community
to the other, I noticed something. I noticed that the whole topic boils down
to choice.

Each and every person involved in the online gaming community, from the game
developers to the players and even to those who run the secondary markets, has
a choice to make at one time or another. The choices that each makes can affect
the game and the community in a myriad of ways, even just one player's choice
can make a difference.

It is ultimately the game company's choice on how they will deal with the secondary
market. They write the EULA (end user license agreement) that will set the tone
of their feelings. They control the response to the practices of the secondary
market companies that find and use exploits, griefing, and farming. Their customer
service policies and staff are the first line of contact with the player base.
If they do not take a strong stance on these practices, they are making the
choice to allow the secondary market to operate in their game.

If game company turns a blind eye to this in game, you can be sure that they
are also making the choice not to legally enforce their EULA as well. The choice
of selective blindness affects the entire community within the game. As we have
seen in games like EverQuest, if there is a large portion of the population
who is not in agreement with the company's choice, they may leave the game.
This has a ripple effect that will in time potentially damage the game as a

With Sigil Games Online, we are seeing a company make a clear choice to stand
up to the secondary market and make it clear that they will not tolerate its
presence. Developers work to make the game resistant to the usual methods employed by the secondary market. The community managers work tirelessly to patrol the forums. They have established the Affiliate program to reward fan sites that uphold the same values as the company. It has been repeated time and time again from the top of the company down that the world of Telon, the game of Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, and the community around it does not and will not welcome the secondary market. This is their choice.

Likewise, the companies that buy, sell, and auction items, coin and accounts
have choices as well. They have a choice to exist. They have a choice of what
games they are going to set up in. They have many choices that as we have seen
are mainly driven by the age old economic principle of supply and demand. As
long as there are people willing to take part in their services, these companies
will exist and flourish.

Those who work for them choose to go into games, into the communities, and
make themselves known. Some choose to stir up emotions, baiting those that are
opposed to everything having to do with the secondary market. Whether it is
for attention, a desire to cause conflict, or some honest sense of wanting to
change people's view I am sure we won't know. What we do know is that the debates on the forums and in game can go on endlessly. One question that rings through the Vanguard: Saga of Heroes community is if the secondary market and their supporters will choose to remove themselves from a game and community that has so clearly and repeatedly stated that they are not welcome?

Each player has a choice to make as well. The secondary market exists because
of a portion of the player base that desires to take a shortcut and purchase
items, coin or even accounts. Whether it is because of time constraints, a desire
to skip the beginning phases of the game, or time needed to camp an item or
quest, these players give the opening to the secondary market. They are the
demand part of supply and demand.

It is something that each player should think about. Where do you stand on
this issue? Do you think that you would take advantage of such a service if
it were offered for the game that you choose to play? Does it matter to you
how the game developers and company feel about it? All of these are questions
that each individual should answer.

Personally, I choose not to be a part of the supply and demand cycle that keeps
the secondary market in business. I choose not to play in games that support
it, or chose to turn a blind eye to it. I also choose not to fall for the bait
of those that would try to change my mind. Why? Because I have asked myself
these questions, I have listened to the posts in favor of the secondary market,
and I have found where I stand. This is my choice.

Will the secondary market withdraw from the Vanguard: Saga of Heroes community? Will Sigil Games Online be able to continue their solid stand both in game and out against the secondary market? Will the developers be able to create a game and an economy that will not offer an opening to those that would need to use the secondary market? Will the players of Vanguard: Saga of Heroes create a demand that will give a reason for the secondary market to supply these items? It's all about choice. What will your choice be?

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016