Mythos Reveals Third Character Class - The Bloodletter

by on Sep 29, 2010

<p> Frogster Interactive has announced the Bloodletter, the third class for their upcoming Hack'n'Slash MMOG, <em><a href="">Mythos</a></em>.

Frogster Interactive has announced the Bloodletter, the third class for their upcoming Hack'n'Slash MMOG, Mythos. The Bloodletter can manipulate the blood of its victims to draw energy or summon minions to fight by their side. Like other Mythos classes, the Bloodletter has three skill trees to choose from: the Martialist, Crimsonate and the Red Hand. Each skill tree has its own advantages. For example, the Martialist can dispense damage to a large number of creatures and has strong defensive skills, while the Crimsonate has the ability to transform into an invincible blood cloud to transport short distances and can suck the life force from injured enemies causing them to explode.

Opting for the Crimsonate skill tree allows the Bloodletter to transform into an invulnerable blood cloud that will transport himself over short distances. His skills with weapons are infamous and the opponents he takes swipes at slowly bleed to death from the deep wounds he has inflicted. He can also suck the life force from his injured enemies until they explode. With one mighty strike at his monstrous foes he creates a shockwave destroying everything in its path thus keeping potential dangers at arm’s length.

Check out the latest release for more details.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016