New Public Quest Boss

by on Dec 12, 2007

<h1 align="center">Warhammer Online Public Quest Info</h1> <h2 align="center">Public Quest Boss: King Byrrnoth Grundadrakk</h2> <hr /> <table border="0" align="right" cellpadding="5"> <tr>

Warhammer Online Public Quest Info

Public Quest Boss: King Byrrnoth Grundadrakk

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Official information from EA Mythic

Destruction players will come across a Dwarf Ironclad crashed ashore near the Port of Barak Varr. Behind it is a wake of destroyed greenskin barges, and fortified within is the King of Barak Varr himself, Byrrnoth Grundadrakk. Players will fight their way into the nautical tank and eventually come to face with the stalwart king in an epic conflict.

King Byrrnoth Grundadrakk eyes narrowed as the extent of the destruction across the Port of Barak Varr came into view: fires raged, billowing clouds of smoke rose, and greenskins swarmed. He roared a command to his engineers below decks, "Higher! Stack the furnaces higher! I want to smell the fire of Grimnir’s rage aboard my ship!"

The stout king surveyed the length of his Ironclad. Its hull was forged with ore from the richest mines this side of Karaz-a-Karak. Its engine was seen to by the most reliable of engineers in all of Karaz Ankor. He whispered the prayer of his ancestors reassuring himself. "By axe, by forge, by beard, we shall endure always as the mountain does, and so will my ship."

The Ironclad approached the shallow port waters at a velocity meant only for the high sea. The king stood firm at the helm and shouted, "Brace yourselves lads! We're going to be cuttin' a swath through their barges!" Despite his own advice, the stout king's grip remained around only his great axe.

In a matter of seconds the first of the greenskin barges was upon them. The Ironclad tore through it as an axe would hops. Another and another it crushed the barges without so much as shaking the ship.

The main cluster came into view. Hundreds of Orcs, Goblins and Snotlings alike crawled over, in between and even under the barges like ants on a hill. The crew held on for dear life in anticipation of the collision. King Grundadrakk still held on to not but his great axe.

And then the impact was upon them. A cloud of splintered wood and planks erupted. Greenskins soared through the air. The collision shook the ship, but still the weight of the Ironclad's momentum continued. One after another the thunderous explosions of impact echoed through the mountainous cove, over even the carnage on the port.

The king wasted not a single opportunity to cut down the hated foe. Left and right he swung his great axe catching greenskins one after another in mid flight, separating limb from body and head from torso. He managed to catch an airborne Black Orc clean down the middle. The mangled greenskin corpse landed on deck.

Grundadrakk recovered from his battle frenzy if for but a moment to notice the beardlings. The young Dwarfs looked upon their king in awe. The tales they would sing about his strength if only they survived the day, he thought. He was going to see to it that they did.

Just then the Ironclad crashed ashore. Dwarf and greenskin alike flew through the air. Some landed on the sand of the rocky beach, others were not so fortunate. Engineer Stonebearer recovered from the impact and quickly surveyed the ship. Damage to the hull was evident, but it was still intact. He beseeched Grundadrakk.

"My king! We should fortify ourselves inside the 'clad. If'n we can hold 'em out long enough, we'll get 'em engines roarin' again. Grungni willing, we'll have another pass at 'em filthbag barges."

There was no denying the wisdom of Stonebearer’s words. The king followed his crew below deck. Just before sealing the hatch he taunted the mob of greenskins quickly approaching.

"The Great Axe of Barak Varr is hungry for vengeance! And I swear on the memory of my ancestors, I'll be fillin' its belly with the blood of a thousand of ya before the day's through!"

The Ten Ton thought:

Well, for those of you pirates out there this is about as close as you're going to get to ship combat right now. This Public Quest boss will probably net you a lot of clout if you're a Greenskin. The King of Barak Varr has managed to make quite a mess of the Greenskin fleet and now is your chance for revenge. You'll fight your way through a large number of dwarven engineers and hammerers, deep in the bowels of the Ironclad to get to Byrrnoth Grundadrakk. You might think this would be a pretty high level Public Quest, but if the zone's tier level is any indication, it will be for those of the 10-20 level range. If you're a Greenskin, look to be adding a pretty large beard to your trophy case... if you can.

Want to discuss the significance of taking out the King of Barak Varr? Head over to the Ten Ton Hammer WAR Forums and talk away!

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016