POLL: PvP Chicken?

by on Jun 21, 2006

<strong>Are You a PvP Chicken?</strong><br>

Are You a PvP Chicken?

Aunraye is, and she's not ashamed to admit it. She's too attached to her hard-earned stuff to risk losing it to some player 30 levels higher who wants to kill her for sport. What's your take on PvP--do you love it, hate it, or find yourself somewhere in between? Read Aunraye's confession, and then confess your own PvP bent by voting in our poll.

I can explain where this fear comes from, aside from the horror stories people are always telling. Before I learned about the world of MMOs--yes, there was such a time--I used to play a lot of Delta Force with my dad. I still shudder when I remember standing up to move forward only to find that ten different enemies were suddenly firing at me...plus one sniper from behind. I never had a chance.

Laying low or ganking lowbies? Where do you stand on PvP?

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016