Public Quest Boss Lorkoth

by on Feb 14, 2008

<h1 align="center">.Warhammer Online Public Quest Info</h1> <h2 align="center">Public Quest Boss: <strong>Lorkoth and Scornlash</strong></h2> <hr />

.Warhammer Online Public Quest Info

Public Quest Boss: Lorkoth and Scornlash

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Official information from EA Mythic

PQ Boss Prologue: Lorkoth and Scornlash

Order players will attempt to infiltrate the House Arkaneth Black Ark staging ground on the cragged shores of the Blighted Isle. Here they will fight their way through various regiments and their commanders as they are deployed from the mouth of the floating fortress, until finally they have to face off with the veteran Beastmaster Lorkoth and his prized beast, the War Hydra Scornlash.

Usira declared it Khaine's will that she and her sisters be let loose through Azurewood, while Malcivus insisted it was his birthright to have first pick of the artifacts within the Halls of Lileath. Kehron reminded everyone of his favor with Malekith's Court, just as Lordling Krethek noted the number of warriors loyal to him. All the while, Rayth Blackfire was certain to remind everyone of her convent's aptitude for persuasion.

Yet Lorkoth remained silent. He sat staring, not at any one of the other five commanders in particular, but rather at the air between them. Despite the calculated retort, exchange of wit, and lashing of tongues that lasted for hours on end, the space that divided them remained as empty as when they first convened. They were no closer to divvying up the spoils of conquered Calumel.

Lorkoth had seen the gathering of five unruly heads contending for control many times before in Karond Kar: they were those of a Hydra. There he wielded molten brands, cruel magic, and refined techniques to break the will of each head individually until the whole operated under one will: his, and his alone. Sitting at the large table, in the lavish council room of House Arkaneth, he dreamt of exercising such techniques against his quarrelsome fellows.

The banter continued ringing in the aged Beastmaster’s head until, finally, he decided to make a calculated move of his own. Rising to his feet, Lorkoth dismissed himself from the meeting with a slight bow. "If you would excuse me, there are matters I must attend to in the menagerie," he spoke. "I shall leave these tactical matters in your capable hands. My beasts and I are, as always, ready to serve the Witch King, should the resolution of your designs call for it.'"

Unaware the Beastmaster had not entertained the verbal contention with participation, the other five were happy to see him make his leave. They gave dismissive side glances as he departed, and then quickly resumed their bickering with renewed energy.

Lorkoth descended down a spiral staircase into the belly of the Black Ark. The narrow passage opened up into a large cavernous room. The air here was thick and stifling. He followed sulfurous tendrils past Cold One pens, Harpy perches, and Manticore rookeries, toward a deep and reeking pit. The sounds of snapping bones, the rending of flesh, and the gnashing of many teeth grew louder with every step. The creature within the abyss let out a bestial roar as the dismembered remains of a hapless apprentice were thrown, end over end, through the air.

“It is good to see the journey did not break your spirit,” Lorkoth said to the pit's occupant with satisfaction.

All five of the Hydra's heads turned at the sound of Lorkoth's voice. They sniffed the air, confirming his scent, and then quickly dropped to the ground in submission. Lorkoth walked the length of the monstrous beast.

“Loyal Scornlash, what sort of master would I be if I fail to live by the principle in which I broke you?" he asked the monster. "Look at you now. You are greater than the sum of your unruly parts. I have molded you into the perfect destroyer. My beast, it is time we forced others to understand as we do.”

Scornlash rose to attention as if it understood the subtleties of its master’s words.

Mere moments later, Usira’s chalice tipped, crystal decor shattered, and the ground shook before the wall of the council chamber collapsed. Scornlash crashed into the room with a bestial roar echoing from its many jaws. Lorkoth stepped into view from behind the beast.

“Noble kin," he began, "In all of your vigorous deliberations, I fear you missed the alarms being sounded on the mainland. The troublesome insurgency known as the Shining Guard is upon us. Perhaps you should mobilize your loyal subjects, just as I have mobilized mine. Lady Arkaneth will have all of our heads should she find Calumel lost just as she had won it."

Lorkoth watched in delight as the five heads of council finally moved in unison.


The Ten Ton thought:

Ok, this really gets me drooling for a chance to play the game. Now there's a War Hydra's involved? A Dark Elven Beastmaster? Oh yeah, this is gonna be one tight public quest for sure. So welcome to the first Elven public quest for the High Elves and the forces of Order. With House Arkaneth vying for a piece of the Ulthuan pie, it's up to you and the High Elves to drive her back. It sounds as though you'll be fighting your way down the beach until you get to the Black Ark itself and meet up with Lokorth and Scornlash. Fairly straight forward but hardly simple. The Games Workshops website lists the War Hydras as a rare choice for the battle miniatures game, so it's gotta be pretty dang impressive in the virtual world. The question is, will it just be the Hydra? Lokorth is a beast master after all and the set up story shows he has other beasts at the ready, so could he possibly call a few Harpies out if things start looking bad for him? It will definitely be interesting to see to be sure.

Want to discuss the possibilities of going up against a Beastmaster? Head over to the Ten Ton Hammer WAR Forums and talk away!

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016