Quotes from the Field #2: The Developer Response to the Tabula Rasa Launch

by on Dec 05, 2007

A few weeks ago, the Ten Ton Hammer editorial staff had the special opportunity to ask a single question of the entire <span style="font-style: italic;">Tabula Rasa</span> development team. While the question was basic (you can read the whole thing b

A few weeks ago, the Ten Ton Hammer editorial staff had the special
opportunity to ask a single question of the entire style="font-style: italic;">Tabula Rasa
development team. While the question was basic (you can read the whole
thing by clicking
), the answers we received were incredibly unique and
speaks volumes about a developer’s view of a lengthy MMOG
project. Spearheaded by TR’s community manager, April
“CuppaJo” Burba, the style="font-style: italic;">Tabula Rasa
developers have once again responded to a single question, this time
centered around the post-launch player antics, and the developers
answers are again extraordinary.

Without further extrapolation, the Ten Ton Hammer staff proudly
presents “Quotes from the Field #2: The Developer Response to
the Tabula Rasa

Question: What has it
been like to watch players take their first steps into your new world?

It's been great seeing players enjoying the little personal touches,
humor, and pet projects that individual developers shepherded into the
world. - Dale
(Art, Lead Tech/VFX: Environment)

style="margin: 10px; border-collapse: collapse; float: right; width: 136px; height: 165px;"

title="An AFS Camp"> src="/image/view/10309/preview"

style="font-style: italic;">The developers
truly love seeing players interacting in their world.

Watching the players dive into the content has been really
exciting.  Having worked extensively on control points, I
enjoyed watching the emergent behavior and social aspects that evolved
around these.  It was pretty cool seeing things like "LZ on
Wilderness 4 is being overrun, we need backup!" and "We're taking back
the IV CP on Wilderness 3, who's in?" in general chat, heh. - style="font-style: italic; font-weight: bold;">Philip Cimoch
(Design, Missions)

It's been awesome.  When you work on something for so long,
you tend to lose touch with how the masses will react to your
product.  For me there was this near-crippling fear that we'd
go live and that no one would care less.  I think it's pretty
exciting to know that people are spending their valued time and money
enjoying something I was part of.

I've worked on console games before and what I really like about the
MMO model is that you just don't ship the game and put it somewhere out
there in the ether.  You can actually pop into the game and
see for yourself, right there and right now, that people are playing
it. - Sean
(Programming Usables, & PvP)

During beta, I saw how well the players handled their character class
abilities. I thought we were good in QA, but the players really know
their stuff when it comes to playing the game. As I watched the chat
and observed the activity, I could see that our hard work was paying
off. I know we have even more work ahead of us; it never ends! But
having players cheer, proclaim enjoyment, and say things like
"awesome!" about our game really made me feel happy. - style="font-style: italic;"> style="font-weight: bold;">Dwight Spaulding (QA Tester)

I've really been interested to hear what players are responding to
visually. I'll get in a group and play an instance asking people
questions, of course never revealing I'm the art director, but it's
really great to hear player's unedited feedback about what they like or
don't like. It's so much fun to play with other players enjoying the
game.  - style="font-weight: bold;">John
Mueller (Art Director)

Like a shotgun blast when rounding a corner in PvP! - style="font-style: italic;"> style="font-weight: bold;">Joel White (Design, Missions)

Do you enjoy hearing what
a variety of developers have to say about their own product? Would you
like us to pursue more of these type of articles? href="http://forums.tentonhammer.com/showthread.php?p=188183#post188183">Let
us know on the forums!

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016