Raiding and Players Skirmishes Coming to Pirates of the Burning Sea

by on Jan 09, 2008

<span style="font-weight: bold;">Pirate Skirmishes? How Can You Go Wrong?</span><br>

Pirate Skirmishes? How
Can You Go Wrong?

Even though the majority of MMOG players don't actively participate in
raids, it seems like every major game that hits the market needs a
raiding system in order to be successful. The developers at Flying Lab
Software are distinctly aware of that particular situation, and they
made it a point in our CES interview to discuss a bit about raiding.
Ten Ton Hammer's Cody "Micajah" Bye interviewed developer Jess Lebow to
get a few intricate details of the game's first raid encounter.

"We've made this particular encounter tougher than
else you'll face in the game," Lebow added. "We've tweaked the boss AI
in this mission, so he'll fight harder than anything you've ever fought
in the game. In the particular raid I'm talking about, you'll be taking
on an incredibly nasty jailer because you need to free some important
individuals he's holding prisoner. However, even though you will have
him outnumbered, he has tons of different ways to bleed you and will
direct area-of-effect attacks your way."

and Players Skirmishes Coming to Pirates of the Burning Sea
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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016