Reality in Virtual Worlds

by on Jun 17, 2006

<strong>Mercurie Ponders Games, that Is</strong><br>

Mercurie Ponders Games, that Is

In MMOs, our virtual surroundings have an effect to varying degrees, from getting sick with the plague in EverQuest 2, to weather that will affect combat in Vanguard: Saga of Heroes. Our columnist, Mercurie, ponders games that is. What does it take to make a game immersive; and how real is too real?

In the past few years a patch that added weather to World of Warcraft was touted as a big deal. I don’t play World of Warcraft, so I do not know if the weather is merely for appearances or not. I know that weather also appears in both EverQuest and EverQuest II, but, again, I have no idea if it impacts game play. Vanguard: Saga of Heroes would, then, appear to differ from most MMOs in that weather is planned to have an effect.

Read Mercurial Thoughts

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016