REport2 1.28.06

by on Jan 28, 2006

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More News From the Lobby....

Hi everyone! Yes I am fully awake now and able to give
you a better view of Fanguard. I am currently sitting here in the lobby
relaxing during a break in the action with several tired and happy fans.

Last night's event and after parties made for a pretty
blurry morning for most. In my last report, I mentioned the games last
night at the meet and greet reception as well as the prizes. Let me
tell you a HUGE thank you needs to go out to ATI for sponsoring the
event. They have also provided some nifty prizes.

Last night's winners walked away with an X850 Crossfire
video card and two Xfi sound cards. Believe it or not, the best prizes
are still to come tonight at the closing dinner. I'll let you know about
those afterwards.

The winner of the video card was announced when he turned
in a completed game sheet from one of Cindy's famous games. This one
was meant to make us mingle and get to know each other and the staff
of Sigil Games Online. We had to find out who collected certian items,
had been good in high school sports, was a safe driver, had more than
1000 forum points or had previously been suspended from the forums.
There were many other questions as well. Overall it was a great time.

As promised this morning, I will tell you that Paul Luna
and Jeff Butler collect Hot Wheels cars and that Gardomyn, from Vanguard
Mondes-Persistants, travels 6,000 miles to attend the event. He came
all the way from Paris and obviously wins the prize for the longest

Right now, after a morning of demos and mingling the last
few efforts for the Live Quest are being put forth as others take a
break. Soon to begin are the discussion panels and then the closing
dinner.More impressions to come....

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016