Requiem: A Bloody Preview

by on Mar 19, 2008

A Nightmare in the Making

Violence has always been a part of human nature. From the gladiatorial
combat in Ancient Rome to the bloody massacres seen on modern
television, the viewing of violence as entertainment has never changed.
One of the first MMOG developers to approach this grisly medium is
Gravity Interactive, a studio best known for creating the wildly
popular children's MMOG, Ragnarok Online. Their entry into the
marketplace is titled Requiem: Bloodymare, and the developers have
pulled out all the stops to insure that this game is as nightmarishly
brutal as possible. With the game now in closed beta and free for the
press to preview, Cody "Micajah" Bye sat down with the title and
pounded his way through the initial play experience for Requiem:

All gore and guts aside, the atmosphere of the game
really does an
incredible job of pulling you into the game. As you traverse through
your initial starting area, you'll find the secluded city of Rondel.
Built into the middle of a massive, snow covered peak, Rondel is
reminiscent of cities you might have seen at the beginning of the
electrical age. Power lines run through the city streets and steam
blasts out of vents on random intervals. Glowing fires can be seen in
many of the buildings and armed guards walk down the stony alleys. If
the Fallout franchise focused on swords and sorcery, this is the sort
of town they might have designed.

A Bloody Preview
in our forums

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016