Salute to the Armed Forces!

by on Apr 18, 2007

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Saluteto the Armed Forces!

Salute to the Armed Forces!

by Lori "Changul" Zachariah

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href=""> alt=""
style="border: 2px solid ; width: 106px; height: 150px; float: left;"
align="left">Soldiers all over the world participate in
the business of War, but did
you know that they also play video games? You could be grouping with a
Squad Leader currently stationed in Germany, or a Corporal in
Afghanistan. Ever wonder if they might apply real life techniques to
the raid? In this spotlight, we would like to feature the soldiers from
all Armed Forces. What games do they like? What do they hate to see in
a game? Do they have a favorite class?

Additionally, we at TTH just want to take this time to salute those who
serve, wherever you are!

I would like to introduce Private Justin Vaught, US. Army 2nd Platoon,
"Warlords". Private Vaught is 19 years old and is currently in Boot
Camp. His favorite things include Fast Cars, War Video Games and his
Fiancee, Erynn.

Changul: Greetings Private Vaught! /salute.

Pvt. Vaught: At ease, Citizen Mom.

Changul: Shush, you weren't supposed to say that. Say hi now.

Pvt. Vaught: Heya.

Changul: So, Private, why did you join the Army?

Pvt. Vaught: To serve my country and also to blow things up.

Changul: *grin* I knew dat. So how do video games stack up to live fire?

Pvt. Vaught: I don't have to duck in a video game. And I get to rezz.

Changul: What is your favorite class to play? Warrior? Paladin?

Pvt. Vaught: I usually go for whatever deals the most Damage. Did I
mention that I like to blow things up?

Changul: You did. Which upcoming video game looks the most promising to

Pvt. Vaught: I am pretty stoked about the possibility of  Joss
"Firefly". Should be good.

Changul: Why is that?

Pvt. Vaught: My own star cruiser and really big guns.

Changul: I am sensing a theme here.

Pvt. Vaught: Yup. Plus, Inara is hot.

Changul: What is your least favorite sphere in a game?

Pvt. Vaught: Crafting.

Changul: What's the first thing you are going to do once you graduate
Boot Camp?

Pvt. Vaught: Buy a phone and a laptop.

Changul: Anything else you would like to say to our readers?

Pvt. Vaught:  I love you, Erynn. Mom, go make me some pasta. The
food here sucks. And get off the computer and write me a letter.

A big Ten Ton Hammer Salute to
Private Vaught!

Are you a soldier? Do you know a soldier who plays Video Games? We
would like to feature you or your soldier twice a month!

E-mail Changul for your
moment in

And post your feedback on our href=""> forums!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016