Tabula Rasa Dev Diary: Redesigned Magma Caverns

by on May 20, 2008

<span style="font-weight: bold;">Deployment 8 Brings a New Magma Caverns</span><br>

Deployment 8 Brings a New
Magma Caverns

NCsoft pushed out Deployment 8 yesterday, a new patch for Richard
Garriott’s Tabula Rasa. Part of the deployment included the
reconstruction of the Magma Caverns with its brand new map layout and
entirely new missions. Lead World Designer, Michael Hutchison looks
into the physical design changes within the game from a world-building
perspective, while Mission Designer, Jason Ford views the same instance
from the game mechanics point of view. Ten Ton Hammer has these Dev
Diaries and the screenshots showcasing the dazzling, redesigned Magma

If players choose to side with the imbedded Rebels,
they will defend
against Penumbra assaults and eventually take part in an attack on the
Penumbra’s landing zone. On the other hand, if they side with Penumbra,
players will participate in the assaults against the Rebels, eventually
attempting to take over the Rebel Camp and run the Rebels out of Magma

Rasa Dev Diary: Redesigned Magma Caverns

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016