Tabula Rasa: Do We Need Military Surplus?

by on Feb 08, 2008

<span style="font-weight: bold;">Weapons for Sale...Cheap</span><br>

Weapons for Sale...Cheap

Like most MMO games Tabula Rasa provides players with a place to
auction goods that you would see in any third world black market such
as rifles, grenades, and body armor. With the system in place for two
months now, RadarX looks at the Military Surplus system and points out
what he thinks is working and what isn't. Open economies, meta-games,
and more are discussed just inside.

Tabula Rasa implemented their version of a player
auction system called
the Military Surplus just a few short months ago to much excitement and
hoorah. While not available at launch, the dev team was quick to
realize it was on a number of players minds and something many
considered integral to the core mechanics. So where do we stand now?
How is the Military Surplus working out?

Rasa: Do We Need Military Surplus?
Go forth and href="">comment!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016