Tabula Rasa: Exclusive Video with Starr Long

by on Aug 25, 2007

<span style="font-weight: bold;">From Blank Slate to Exclusive Video</span><br>

From Blank Slate to
Exclusive Video

Just when we thought Starr Long's Leipzig presentation of Tabula Rasa
was going to mirror what we saw at E3 2007, it got interesting. The
first hint was the user interface improvement of the cover indicator -
a visual representation of how much damage is mitigated by the objects
you're ducking behind. Starr went on to talk about the new decision to
include PvP - with the addition of free-for-all consensual clan vs.
clan warfare - and all of the tier 4 classes, including the Spy, which
has the ability to polymorph to infiltrate bane strongholds.

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016