Test Drive Unlimited 2 Learner's Permit - An Introductory Q&A with Game Director Alain Jarniou

by on Dec 29, 2010

With a familiar level progression, loads of customization options, a challenging single-player campaign (and plenty to compete for in multiplayer), and a sandboxy world, <em>Test Drive Unlimited 2</em

With a familiar level progression, loads of customization options, a challenging single-player campaign (and plenty to compete for in multiplayer), and a sandboxy world, Test Drive Unlimited 2 bears more than a striking resemblance to a traditional MMORPG. Add in 90+ driveable cars rendered in painstaking detail, realistic physics and a detailed rendering of the islands of Ibiza and Maui, and you have a whole new kind of massively multiplayer experience. Eden Games' Game Director Alain Jarniou joins us to kick the tires of this highly anticipated February 2011 title in Test Drive Unlimited 2 Learner's Permit - An Introductory Q&A with Game Director Alain Jarniou.

Ten Ton Hammer: Let's talk cars. We know you can't give a full list of cars that will be available, but do you have a rough number of how many models can be purchased in game?

Alain Jarniou: TDU2 has 90+ cars, and they are all premium quality, with authentic and distinctive handling across vehicle classes and models. We also have plans to release additional cars in the months and years to come.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016