Testing the Future

by on Jan 22, 2008

<p>by: Tony &quot;RadarX&quot; Jones</p>

by: Tony "RadarX" Jones

Looking to the future is always fun and provides hope. In the case of Tabula Rasa's Test Server Patch 1.4 we should have plenty of fun this month as a number of changes and additions are being worked on. While a lot of information has already hit the forums and some of the news sites, it's still up on the air what the final product will look like. Ten Ton Hammer has spent quite a bit of time talking to those in the know and testing out a few of the changes, so here are a few of the more important things to keep an eye on.

Hybrids - This has been discussed at length on forums, in news sites, and even hinted at on the official forums. Essentially there will be three hybrid choices: Bane, Forean, and Brann. Each of these choices requires you to finish a mission series which when completed will provide the hybrid option at any point on that server. You will be given an opportunity to clone and create your new character.

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A Hybrid

This is a fairly neat idea by the developers to provide players with a few more customization options. While no hybrid will give you more stat points, they are heavily redistributed which should allow for some interesting configurations. Bane for instance have significantly more Body than the other races allowing to server as more a traditional "tank" class. This should allow players to start either "building" characters for maximized efficency or just provide a little more variety to the game.

If you want a full write up be sure to check ours out.

Armor Changes - There are some changes to every type of armor in the works. The Patch Notes list it as:

Descripives are Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent, where “Excellent” is about twice as strong as “Fair”

o Motor Assist: Absorption is Fair, Recharge is Fair
o Hazmat: Absorption is Fair, Recharge is Excellent
o Reflective: Absorption is Good, Recharge is Good
o Bio: Absorption is Good, Recharge is Excellent
o Graviton: Absorption is Excellent, Recharge is Fair
o Mech: Absorption is Excellent, Recharge is Poor
o Stealth: Absorption is Good, Recharge is Poor

Now what does this mean? Most people are still speculating but we've seen a little grumbling from the Mech Armor wearers about recharge. Perhaps this is off set by the absorption but there is still time to tweak things if they aren't quite as they should be. This could significantly impact your gameplay so watch this one.

Ammo Changes - This has been a major concern for people who use Polarity, Propellant, and Machine Guns on a regular basis especially in relation to Guardian/Spies who aren't as hampered by ammunition usage. From what we've seen on Test, Machine and Polairty guns can now use Standard canister/cartridge ammunition until 33 and upgrade to Improved until just before 50. Propellant Guns can use standard well into the mid 30's but a final level wasn't mentioned. This is of course all subject to change and may not even remotely affect the final outcome.

Attribute Changes - These changes have been talked about for a while now and are finally heading our way. In an attempt to make attributes more significant, Body, Mind, and Spirit will now provide different bonuses. Once again, straight from the patch notes:

o Body improves the maximum absorption (but not the recharge rate) of armor
o Mind improves the damage done by your Logos abilities
o Spirit improves your chance to Crit Hit, with both weapons and abilities

Before you panic, yes we'll see an attribute respec allowing you to move your stats around. Now this means certain classes will be making significant changes to their attributes. Melee classes will very likely begin pumping up their Body where a ranged or Logos skill based class will boost Mind or Spirit. The numbers we've seen from the Body changes are pretty tangible and will noticeably make you stronger. Mind and Spirit might be a bit harder to measure.

Shield Extender - A blow to the Sapper classes, Shield Extender has been officially nerfed. The changes we documented were as follows:

Pump 1 - 15% Damage Absorption 200% Total Armor Absorption
Pump 2 - 25% Damage Absorption 250% Total Armor Absorption
Pump 3 - 35% Damage Absorption 350% Total Armor Absorption
Pump 4 - 45% Damage Absorption 450% Total Armor Absorption
Pump 5 - 60% Damage Absorption 600% Total Armor Absorption


Pump 1 - 15% Damage Absorption 100% Total Armor Absorption
Pump 2 - 25% Damage Absorption 125% Total Armor Absorption
Pump 3 - 35% Damage Absorption 150% Total Armor Absorption
Pump 4 - 45% Damage Absorption 175% Total Armor Absorption
Pump 5 - 60% Damage Absorption 200% Total Armor Absorption

All we can say is ouch. I would call a 200-300% reduction in an ability a massive nerf. Cheer up though! The recast timer on it has at least been reduced so if nothing else you'll be spending more Micromech.

Hack Skill Change - If you still haven't felt the blow as a Sapper, here is another one for you. The Hack skill has been also nerfed. According to the notes "All boss and large bane creatures are no longer susceptible to confusion-type abilities such as Hack and Traitor." Now on the surface this sounds good, because you really shouldn't be able to tinker with bosses. However we noticed in General chat there was mention that it no longer affected Strider, Stalkers, or Predators. It begs the question "What is it really good for now?" but this was initial testing and it could be changed.

Game Balance Easier- Now when we read the note that "Game balance has been adjusted to be slightly easier at all levels (higher character survivability) and significantly easier at higher levels" it was a little baffling. What does this mean? Will it be easier to level now? Was there overcompensation right before retail when they game was made significantly more difficult? This is the one we're watching the most closely. Now granted I only personally tested Wilderness and Divide content but I didn't seem to notice a significant combat mechanic change. Perhaps it will reveal itself when it hits Live.

So there are your highlights for Test Server Patch 1.4 for Tabula Rasa. We hope it's been enlightening and by all means this isn't all inclusive. Be sure to stop by our forums to discuss any of this in detail and check out the rest of the notes.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016