The Chronicles of Spellborn: US Closed Beta Set to Begin Next Week

by on Feb 27, 2009

<body> This afternoon, voice chat guru Vivox hosted an Acclaim developer chat on <a href="" target="_blank">Voon</a> which covered a wide range of topics for the upcoming US release of <a href="http://www.tentonhamme

This afternoon, voice chat guru Vivox hosted an Acclaim developer chat
on href="" target="_blank">Voon
which covered a wide range of topics for the upcoming US release of href=""
target="_blank"> style="font-style: italic;">The Chronicles of
While no firm release date was given, it was however announced that the
closed beta will start sometime next week. The localization process was
also discussed, and it was mentioned that the US client will be kept
fully up to date with its European counterpart, which includes notable
updates set to hit servers in the near future such as a new
marketplace, PvP arenas and more. To participate in the closed beta, be
sure to check out Acclaim’s href="" target="_blank">official
TCoS website!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016