Tips for Nvidia 3D Vision Users in The Old Republic

by on Dec 07, 2011

During the most recent beta weekend we thoroughly tested out The Old Republic in 3D - read on for our full report!

Now that the cost of both the Nvidia 3D Vision kit and the 120Hz monitors required to use it have started to drop in price, making the jump to 3D to enjoy your favorite games is a much more financially feasible endeavor than when the tech was first introduced. The trouble is, not all games work with the system, and worse still, the official listing of supported games does a pretty horrendous job of informing you of which games play best in 3D outside of a few dozen officially labeled “3D Vision Ready” titles.

With that in mind, I know there are likely a lot of Old Republic fans out there interested in learning whether or not the game will run in 3D. So during the most recent beta weekend (reportedly the launch build for the game) I thoroughly tested out The Old Republic in 3D.

My complete findings, along with a list of tips for those of you aiming to experience the game in full 3D come launch day can be found in Tips for Nvidia 3D Visions Users in The Old Republic.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016