Trickster's Haven Guide #11: Nayib Al'kalee

by on Jun 11, 2008

<span style="font-weight: bold;">Enough Is Enough</span><br>

Enough Is Enough

For Dalmarus, The Buried Gallery of Al'Rahid is one of the most fun dungeons within Vanguard: Saga of Heroes. Virtually every player has heard tales of this dungeon whispered on the wind each night, though they may not have known it by this name.

You've slain undead, summoned ancient scholars, saved a friendly gnome, and have been cast out of Trickster's Haven by an uppity shade king called Nayib Al'kalee. Time to get some revenge.

Per usual, Azzad has a plan so "we" can stop Nayib Al'kalee. Yet again, this plan consists of him doing a whole lot of nothing while we go back into the devil's maw to slay the demon.

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016