Vanguard Poll: Everyone Has a Favorite

by on Sep 25, 2008

<br> <b>Rock of Ages</b><br>

Rock of Ages

Game Update #6 was recently released to the masses of Vanguard: Saga of Heroes. Players have had a couple weeks to check things out, so the time to ask this has finally come. In this week's poll, Dalmarus wants to know out of all the changes and additions, which one is your favorite?

There were quite a few changes and additions in this massive patch, which just also happened to be the game's largest to date. With all the cool things that have been added (or re-added) to the game this week's question is pretty easy... or is it?

Read href="" target="Blank_">the full article Then href="" target="Blank_">vote in our Vanguard Poll!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016