Video of the Day: I've Been Everywhere, Noob

by on Jul 17, 2013

In a halfassed-yet-beautiful tribute to Johnny Cash, our video explores every corner of Middle-Earth, Lord of the Rings Online style.

Okay, so he's no Johnny Cash...

A funny thing happened on the way to Wizard's Tower. A leet met a noob and the rest is history. Or, rather, a laundry list of all the places in Middle-Earth the veteran has traveled, sung to the tune of Johnny Cash's I've Been Everywhere. And it's a long list.

Funny how he doesn't attempt to sing the names of all those locations in Middle-Earth. It's like he might be afraid to mispronounce them in front of a bunch of LotRO fans. The same fans who would freak out over seeing a red squirrel in a screenshot. ("Aaaauuuugh! They should be grey squirrels! Die, you noob devs!" Like that.)

So what if our friend at RedSky is barely karaoke-worthy? This is still 2 minutes of entertainment, Lord of the Rings Online style.

If you've got a video you'd love to see featured as our Video of the Day, drop me a link at shayalyn[AT] You can also tweet me @ShayalynTTH on Twitter.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016