Warhammer Online: Exclusive Interview with Mark Jacobs

by on Nov 02, 2007

<span style="font-weight: bold;">WAR! (Huh!) Here's What it's Good For!</span><br>

WAR! (Huh!) Here's What it's
Good For!

When the announcement came out that announced the delay of Warhammer
until early 2008, fans were distraught and saddened over the news. Now
that the game has been delayed again, the Ten Ton Hammer crew can only
anticipate that fans will be even more disheartened, but eager to see
what the WAR crew is trying to accomplish with those extra months. To
shed some light on the entire situation, Garrett Fuller called EA
Mythic's GM, Mark Jacobs, for some answers to any questions the fans
might have. If you need to know the reasons why the decision to delay
the game was made, you need to read this exclusive interview.

Mark went on to talk about the beta testing that is expected to re-open
in December. He did say that the "launch delay has zero effect" on the
beta. EA Mythic plans to go through the normal steps of beta testing
where they will continue to open and close beta as needed to get the
best feedback possible for the game. Mark is hoping that testers will
go in and really "beat on the new stuff."

Want the scoop on WAR directly from the General Manager's mouth? href="http://www.tentonhammer.com/node/14190">Read the
interview here.

Got comment? Discuss the interview in our href="http://forums.tentonhammer.com/showthread.php?p=178738#post178738">forum.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016