Warhammer Online Sceanrios: Grovod Caverns and Reikland Hills

by on May 14, 2008

<strong>You may have the flag, but I've got your brains on my sword, so who <em>really</em> wins here?</strong>

You may have the flag, but I've got your brains on my sword, so who really wins here?

Remember back before video games when "outside" and "sun" were things we loved as kids? Remember when we'd all go to this "outside" place and play games like "Capture the Flag" and "King of the Hill"? Remember how fun it was to knock your friends down the hill or drive them into the dirt so you could grab the flag? Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning remembers, and it wants you to relive all your childhood memories, just without the grass stains, bloody noses, and chigger bites and add a little more death, destruction, and biting (nobody likes a biter!)! Yes, WAR has released a new set of scenarios and these classic childhood games have been given new life! So quit kicking little billy around and worry about the flag later. Right now, come take a look at what WAR has in store with the Grovad Caverns and Reikland Hills Scenarios!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016