Warhammer Online Scenarios: Stone Troll Crossing and Talabec Dam

by on Mar 26, 2008

<span style="font-weight: bold;">Bombs and Boulders to Go</span><br>

Bombs and Boulders to Go

Ready for a little Chaos vs Empire action? Feel like PvP isn't enough
and you want to live a life of real danger? Then do we have the perfect
scenario for you! EA Mythic has released a new set of Scenarios and in
one of them, you're getting boulders hurled at you while you're trying
to fight. As if that's not enough extra action for your PvP pie, try
adding a bomb for flavor. That's right, nothing says "Oh, no stinkin'
wa-BOOOM" like exploding in the middle of the fight. Sound like your
cup of tea? Well, take a look at what the newest scenarios have to

Each of the bomb locations can be defended fairly
well as you can only
approach them from two sides; however both locations are highly
susceptible to knock-back. You won't die if you get knocked back into
the river below, but any extra fireballs that come your way may make
life a little difficult getting out of the drink!

Online Scenarios: Stone Troll Crossing and Talabec Dam
in our forum

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016