
by on May 26, 2005

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The Warrior

Our armor clad Heroes of the frontline. The Warrior is adept at using heavy armor as well as most weapons. Standing on the front line of battle and going toe to toe with the enemy protecting his group from harm. The development team's new combat A.I. will see to it that they will need to be more tactical. They will need to pay close attention as the old days of auto attack and taunt are over.

Warriors will make use of many new skills and combat forms, or stances, since in battle aggro will not always be on them. The new combat A.I. will make this class more tactical in its thinking and approach to combat. The new A.I. will not use a hate list in the way some past MMOs have. The new hate list will work a bit differently not always keeping a Warrior at the top. They will need to react to given situations and decide to either dish out damage or use their skills, such as Rescue, to protect an ally from harm. This class will make use of a new skill known as Perception, which will allow them to possibly detect an opening or weakness of an enemy in combat. They will have a possible strike at a key moment to start or advance a combat opportunity that can be performed by a group.

It is clear that this class is shaping up to be very different from its previous incarnations. The addition of a more strategic combat system, new forms and skills will make the Warriors of Vanguard: Saga of Heroes a true third generation class.




Creation guide

Race Guides

Skills List

Spells List

Warrior Quest List

Warriors in the News



Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016