What is the Dominance War? - An Interview with 38 Studios' Joe Mirabello

by on Apr 04, 2008

<span style="font-weight: bold;">The Struggle for Dominance--Gamer Style</span><br>

The Struggle for
Dominance--Gamer Style

Have you ever wanted to pit your creative talents against another human
being simply to see if you were the best? If you're a writer, vocalist,
or artist, there's always that little bit of nagging doubt clawing at
your brain and receiving a confirmation of your talents - or
constructive critique to improve those talents - from your peers is a
vitally important part of any artist's creative evolution.

So when several veteran video game artists found that there was little
in the way of artistic contests or critiquing opportunities for the
budding video game talent, those same individuals began what is known
as Dominance War, an annual video game art competition that's drawing
some big attention from major development studios. Over the past week,
Cody "Micajah" Bye has been corresponding with Joe Mirabello, the
publicity manager for the contest and an environment artist at 38
Studios, about the Dominance War contest and the part he plays in this
immense event!

: To give you a quick idea of what the contest
Dominance War is an annual video game art competition. Over the years a
lot of online game art communities have sprouted up, and the Dominance
War was created as a way to encourage friendly competition, and
communication between them. It's become an international competition,
aimed at helping young artists grow, letting veterans show off their
stuff, and sharing tips and techniques. It's also become a sort of
'Olympics of Game Art', allowing skilled artists to really gain
recognition within the global art community.

is the Dominance War? - An Interview with 38 Studios' Joe Mirabello
in our forum

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016