Kingsisle Entertainment's
style="font-style: italic;">Wizard101
allows players to join the Ravenwood school for wizards and embark on a
journey to save the land from the perils created by Professor
Malistaire, an wizard gone out of control. Ten Ton Hammer has
already told you that the game is good fun for the whole family in the
target="_blank" href="">
style="font-style: italic;">Wizard101 review,
and now Kingsisle Entertainment is releasing new content to keep the
title fresh for players of all ages. First up, the new environment
Dragonspyre is an ancient haunted world where renegade Death Magic
professor Malistaire has recently been spotted. Players will face
challenging new battles, and ultimately discover the truth about
Professor Malistaire's sinister plans. Also new is a PvP arena where
players can challenge each other in either Practice or Ranked duels,
with up to four Wizards per team. A robust matchmaking service matches
Wizard101 subscribers with similarly ranked Wizards, and the winners of
each duel are awarded Arena Tickets, redeemable for unique loot. Ten
Ton Hammer has pictures of this new content for readers to enjoy.
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To read the latest guides, news, and features you can visit our Wizard101 Game Page.