Wolf Team Publisher Post - Team Conquest

by on Aug 04, 2009

<p> This week the team at WolfTeam decided to enlighten us to one of their game modes called, Conquest. This is a round-based game mode, where teams have an objective to complete. To win a round, a team must control the largest number of bases when the t

the Publisher’s Desk

WolfTeam: Game Modes – Conquest

Welcome to my third Publisher’s Notes entry for Wolf
Team!  I’m GMValkyrie and I’m here to
continue our journey through the Wolf Team Game Modes. This time I plan
to introduce you to the Conquest mode, where taking control is the key
to win!

style="margin: 10px; border-collapse: collapse; float: right; width: 200px;"

href="http://www.tentonhammer.com/node/72235" title=""> src="http://www.tentonhammer.com/image/view/72235" alt=""
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style="font-style: italic;">Game on!

Conquest is a round-based game mode, where teams have an objective to
complete.  In order to win a round, a team must control the
largest number of bases when the time limit runs out. However, a team
can also win if they manage to claim all five bases at any point during
the round. This makes defense just as important as offense, though many
matches tend to be a scramble for control.  I’m not
ashamed to admit that this game mode is not my strong point! 
I’ve never been much of a strategist and have always
preferred to charge in with barrel blazing.

Similar to Destruction mode, there are various different modes players
can choose from when they want to play Conquest.  The standard
Conquest match allows players to swap between human and basic wolf,
with six different maps to choose from.  However, things get
more complicated in Ex-Conquest, where both teams are given the choice
of multiple wolf forms at the beginning of the round, if they have
earned enough points to use them.  In Ex-Conquest players
cannot switch between soldier and wolf during the middle of a round,
but must play out their selection until their death or the round is
over!  The third variation on Conquest pits Wolves directly
against Humans in Wolf Conquest.  In this mode the team
representing the Wolves cannot become humans at all, and the human team
cannot turn into werewolves.  The five maps available for Ex-
and Wolf Conquest are designed to ensure that strategy becomes the best
and surest way to win.

The Ex- and Wolf Conquest modes add additional Wolf types that players
may choose from.  These wolves have additional abilities,
making them more dangerous than the standard basic wolf.  For
example the Ghost wolf can become invisible as soon as it stops
moving.  Other form of wolf called the Guardian can block the
majority of bullet damage at the expense of speed.  Having
these extra advantages makes teamwork strategies extremely effective in
capturing bases.

In all 3 Conquest modes there are a total of five bases for teams to
claim.  Bases are spread through the map, spaced so that
neither team gains an advantage.  One base is precisely in the
middle, and since this is strategically more difficult to obtain, the
timer for claiming the middle base is longer.  Bases are
captured when the color marker reaches the top of the base
pole.  If the opposite team has captured a base, a player must
stand near the base until the color marker reaches neutral. 
Once it has reached the neutral gray color at the base’s
bottom, player proximity will cause it to climb again to the top of the
base pole.  If the players attempting to capture a base leave
or are killed, the base will slowly return to neutral.  An
indicator at the top of the screen will inform the player which team is
control of each base.

Thank you for joining me again in this tour of Wolf Team game modes,
and I’ll see you next week! Until then, keep your nose clean
and if you haven’t already tried Wolf Team, you can find it
at the href="http://wolfteam.aeriagames.com/download" target="_blank">Aeria
Wolf Team Download page!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016