WoW Editorial: Gold Farmers and Community Support

by on Jan 15, 2008

<span style="font-weight: bold;">"Please excuse! Are you looking for WoW gold to make better your character?"</span><br>

"Please excuse! Are you
looking for WoW gold to make better your character?"

In this weeks editorial Byron "Messiah" Mudry looks at a topic that he
hasn't touched in a while. With the new year here though, he felt the
need to go muck around in the hornet's nest again. The topic is: Gold
Sellers. This time he gives his take on how the community supports them
and allows them to continue to exist. He takes this stance since they
obviously do massive sales and continue to exist despite Blizzard's
action against them in the form of large scale bans.

The second key factor that I believe keeps the
secondary market going,
is the apparent non-caring / support for it from the average player.
Many believe that what they do is up to them, after all it's not
hurting anyone is it? Huh? Am I blaming the average player? Yes to a
degree I am. After all, without a market the sellers would not exist.

Editorial: Gold Farmers and Community Support Have you taken a stand against gold sellers? Tell us in our
free WoW forum!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016