WoW Editorial: Growing Pains - Growing into a Raiding Guild

by on Apr 10, 2008

<span style="font-weight: bold;">Guild Growing Pains</span><br>

Guild Growing Pains

Our World of Warcraft community manager, Byron "Messiah" Mudry, says
this week's editorial is going to be a little different than his normal
rant about ongoing WoW issues. This week he wants to talk
about the growing pains a guild goes through when it attempts to become
a raiding guild. He's not talking about a conversion to a serious hard
core raiding guild, where raiding is all they do, but a conversion to a
guild that has a team of raiders working on 25 man content.

Defined Groups and Times – Having defined groups,
works well to get
groups up and running. When you are struggling through learning new
content, it is imperative to have a set group so that you can pick up
where you left off the week before and not have to relearn everything.
It also allows players to get to know one another and form friendships,
which is what the game should be all about.

Editorial: Growing Pains - Growing into a Raiding Guild
in our WoW forum

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016