WoW Op/Ed: Why Alliance loses in Battlegrounds

by on Dec 27, 2007

That's what you get for
playing a night elf...

In this weeks editorial WoW community manager Byron "Messiah" Mudry
looks at something that annoys many Alliance players and makes Horde
players rejoice. As he has been drawn into the Player versus Player
(PvP) aspect of World of Warcraft (WoW) lately, he has come to see how
the differences between the two factions play out. In this editorial,
he takes a look at the differences (as he sees them), and how they
translate to Horde winning the vast majority of battlegrounds.

In a battleground, winning and losing all comes down
to how well you
can work together as a team. The two issues listed above come into
direct play in a battleground. In a normal battleground (as in not a
pre-made) you take 10 - 40 random players and throw them all together
with about 2 minutes to plan and work together.

Op/Ed: Why Alliance loses in Battlegrounds Do you agree? Disagree? Make your presence known in our href="">WoW

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016